Last updated: Sun, 09th October, 2005 @ 05:00am +0000
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How do I use it?

iTubesDBParser can be used in two ways basically.

1. As a command line tool to convert the iTunesDB file to XML. To do this depends on whether you download the source or the binary release.

  • Binary relase - In this case all you have to do is unzip the archive to any directory, then if you are on a windows machine execute the run.bat followed by the location of your iTunesDB file. For example:
    run.bat E:\ipod_control\itunes\itunesdb

    If you're using something other then windows take a look inside run.bat and you'll see how it works - the class path is specified in there as is the class that has the Main method in it.

    The xml will be written to the 'output' directory that gets created the first time you run the parser.
  • Source release - In this case you'll have to have ant installed and working on your machine. Then you need to execute the following:
    In the build directory run: ant jar makerunnable
    That will compile everything, make a jar, and then setup the run.bat and copy it to the base project directory. Then you just execute run.bat as if you had downloaded the binary version (which is explained above).

2. As a libary to use in your own project. I will make more example applications, however until then I suggest downloading the source and looking at the code starting at: